Jun 29, 2022
Jean-Louis Brenninkmeijer is from an iconic and wealthy European Family. After a successful career in the family business, he has the means and experience to live anywhere and do anything. What makes Jean-Louis so remarkable is that he has invested millions of dollars in reminding the world of the magic Canada offers.
Jean-Louis has created Little Canada, Our Home and Miniature Land at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto. I met him there. I have no vested interest, I am not getting paid to promote his venue, so I can say from my heart that Little Canada is one of the most exciting attractions I have visited anywhere in the world. Everything is on a 1/87 scale, which means you are about three-quarters of an inch tall. When you see the imagination, creativity, and attention to detail that captures everything, and I mean everything in miniature, combined with moving cars, trains, people and even chickens, it will be time well spent. When you leave, you feel Canada's extraordinary, diverse and yet unique.
So how did Jean-Louis come about to invest millions of his dollars to create it? You will have to listen to my Canada Day special to find out.
And some great takeaways:
How their iconic family business passes on its values and company from one generation to the next by creating accountability and responsibility.
Why time that is well spent between parents and children matters most.
How those impacted by wealth can affect others in magnificent ways.