Oct 6, 2021
We all know Arlene Dickinson as the Matriarch of the Dragon's Den, a best-selling author, and an acclaimed entrepreneur and investor in Canada's new economy. But did you know at 31, Arlene was a single Mom, with only a high school education and no means of how to feed her family? Did you know that she was an immigrant, an introvert and that she grew up in a dysfunctional home and in her teens, Arlene escaped to books as she felt she never fit in?
In this episode, Arlene openly shares her story of overcoming her circumstances, including mental health challenges in her forties, to become one of our country's most respected and admired leaders. This is Arlene's remarkable and inspiring story packed with insights on persuasion, resilience and going all-in.
Hurriya Burney, Vice President Commercial for RBC joins my show again, and this time to talk about Arlene and their shared commitment to supporting women-led businesses in Canada.
To chat with Arlene Dickinson
Twitter: @ArleneDickinson
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dickinsonarlene
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arlenedickinson/
Arlene's Books: https://arlenedickinson.com/books/
To chat with Tony Chapman
Web: https://chatterthatmatters.ca
Twitter – @TonyChapman – https://twitter.com/tonychapman
Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonychapmanreactions/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/chatterthatmatters/
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcGvzmw9MFkUcGylrFA2xC
RBC - https://www.rbc.com
RBC - Canadian Woman Entrepreneur Awards - https://discover.rbcroyalbank.com/rbc-canadian-women-entrepreneur-awards-cwea-a-virtual-celebration-of-impact-and-achievement/
RBC Future Launch - https://www.rbc.com/dms/enterprise/futurelaunch/index.html
To chat with Hurriya Burney - https://www.linkedin.com/in/hburney/