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Jun 29, 2022

Jean-Louis Brenninkmeijer is from an iconic and wealthy European Family. After a successful career in the family business, he has the means and experience to live anywhere and do anything. What makes Jean-Louis so remarkable is that he has invested millions of dollars in reminding the world of the magic Canada...

Jun 24, 2022

Phil is an advocate for human rights and a survivor of residential school abuse. He shares his experiences there and how he turned his anger into positive change. Phil served three terms as the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, the first being when he was only 28. He was also among the first to...

Jun 17, 2022

Listen to the incredible story of Ed Hajim, a man who overcame adversity to become a wildly successful entrepreneur. His continued resilience, hard work, and positivity inspires the self-starter within us all.

I love stories involving the 'hero's journey, someone who goes on an adventure, is victorious regardless of...

Jun 10, 2022

Amber Mac is a tech analyst, brand advisor, and business coach with a burning desire to make the digital revolution easier to digest for everybody, everywhere. Learn about the opportunities and solutions that come with emerging technologies.

Early in her successful broadcasting career, Amber Mac identified an unmet...

Jun 3, 2022

Scott Morrison joins the podcast this week to talk about how the Summit Series changed Canadian hockey forever. Additionally, Scott discusses lessons on leadership, strategy, parenting, and more.

I love this story because I was there, attacking my nails every game as a fan, and my standing ovation wasn't for a team;...