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May 31, 2021

In my retrospective show, the microphone is turned, and David Trafford joins me as the host. Dave asks me about the original intent of the show, my favourite characters, some special moments and the lessons learned.  In 15 months we have produced a podcast every week, a prime time radio show, and weekend radio...

May 28, 2021

I wasn't sure how my radio audience would react to Mark Brand. It turns out they loved him. Mark's background includes drugs, alcohol, nights on the street, and because of all he is unapologetic, unabashed, and unforgiving. Mark is a force of human nature and the founder of Better Life Foundation. He uses capitalism and...

May 21, 2021

Joe Pine, one of the thought leaders of modern-day capitalism offers fresh thinking on how you lead, market, sell, teach, engage and create memories that last a lifetime, through experiences that matter.

In 1999 by Joe Pine and Jim Gilmour published the Experience Economy, Work is Theatre, and Every Business is a Stage....

May 14, 2021

Michael McCain is an incredible human being, and a dear friend. I admire Michael as a father, philanthropist, passionate Canadian, and one of our most respected leaders. Michael has, what I believe, is the answer to the future of capitalism. A sharp and relentless focus on shared values where every stakeholder,...

May 7, 2021

Today, in honour of Mothers Day, I am putting all women on a pedestal for everything you do to nurture, protect, mentor, care, lead, create and contribute to a better world. 
I begin by first talking about my Mom, who left us over thirty years ago, but whose examples and character I still lead my life with.
My first...